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Fighting the Sunday Scaries in Downtown LBK

Fighting the Sunday Scaries in Downtown LBK

Remember that feeling you got in the pit of your stomach the night before a big spelling test or your calculus mid-term? That feeling of unease and anxiety that cast a shadow over your mood regardless of how prepared you were?

Fast-forward five, ten, or maybe even 20+ years into the future and that feeling probably hasn’t disappeared, it’s only shifted to become a prominent staple to your Sunday evenings. 

Only this time it has a name: the Sunday Scaries.

So, with such a formal name and diagnosis attached to this low-grade murmur of a feeling we’ve all grown accustomed to, how can we creep closer towards kicking this bad habit?

Luckily, Downtown Lubbock in all it’s unique glory has a few secrets to cure the Sunday Scaries, and we’re ready to let you in on all of them.

Love Your Wind Down

Fighting the Sunday Scaries all starts with loving your Sunday evening wind down. 

One of the best ways we’ve discovered to accomplish this is to invest a little bit in creating a wind-down oasis that you look forward to every night, even Sundays!

Jux-Ta-Posh, Downtown Lubbock’s very own one-of-a-kind treasure trove, is the place to find calm yet beautiful pieces sure to help transition your weekend to the weekdays. With lush beddings, lighting, and scented candles sure to fit any personality and mood, you’ll be able to create a soothing and peaceful atmosphere you can’t wait to embrace week after week. 

Don’t Sweat It (But Do)

A solid sweat sesh first thing in the morning is something most people rarely regret. It kicks off the day with a mega-dose of endorphins AND gives you an opportunity to start the week off by crossing things off your to-do list. 

While we’re impartial to exactly where you like to tackle your physical and mental health routine, we do know one thing’s for sure – we can’t wait for the Downtown Civic Park concept design to make its debut so we can already start envisioning ways to beat the Sunday Scaries in our very own local slice of outdoor heaven!

Pencil in a Pre or Post-Work Date

Whether it’s one with yourself, journaling and setting intentions for the day, or a duo date sharing a cup of joe and bacon biscuit (we see you Sugar Brown’s!) with your best friend, starting the week off with a morning date is always something you can look forward to. 

Or, if the morning just isn’t your cup of Earl Grey tea, scheduling an evening date at one of Lubbock’s famous craft breweries can definitely make the Sunday Scaries feel like a thing of the past. 

In fact, some might even say getting through the end-of-the-weekend slump is as easy as one, Two Docs Brewery. 

We’ve all been there.

The West Texas summer weekends we love are gone too fast, and the weekday starts before we’ve even been given a chance to blink twice. But luckily we live in the perfect city with the perfect downtown guaranteed to cure any case of the Sunday Scaries.